Events leading to apology – 2020
Events leading to apology – 2020

Events leading to apology – 2020


Bexley Council used an MP and the London Assembly to force this family’s complaint to time out. All were extremely busy within just a few days of October and November 2019.


Bexley Council malfeasance


Civil servants malfeasance

By 31/10/2019 Bexley Council’s chief executive Jackie Belton, director of children’s services Stephen Kitchman, deputy director Fiona Cisneros, head of complaints Josh Jeffery and Hazel Watson, read this website about their misconduct and took advice from their legal team.



MP malfeasance


Police intimidation

On 25/10/2019 this family wrote to their MP for help with their complaint against Bexley Council. On 19/11/2019 this family served this MP with a complaint for not responding to their call for help. But instead of defending it, this MP wrote that Bexley council had cancelled the complaint and instructed them to use the police to serve this family with a prevention of harassment.

This is not harassment.” Metropolitan Police sergeant


London Assembly

Family calls for help


Moments after this family called for help from this MP, on 17/10/2019 Siân Berry, who worked under this MP’s jurisdiction as the London Assembly Member for this family’s home address, made two freedom of information requests to the London mayor’s office about this family’s business.



This was followed up with two almost identically worded commercial attacks against this family’s business. The first came from the Metropolitan Police on 04/12/2019 (exhibit PP17), and the second came just over 1 month later from the BBC on 22/01/2020 (exhibit PP18).


Bexley Council admits malfeasance – 2023