Elephant in the courtroom of civil law exposes how countries are being scammed by their pillars of society.
We have case studies from the UK proving how making fairness a civil law instead of an objective will change everything. It will stop the cost of living crisis by bringing billions into the country.
This will demand and fund significant reform; from schools, social care, and policing, to all types of bank services, commerce, infrastructure, and politics.
Changing Civil Law
A media campaign to change this law in England and Wales is being led by politicians and presented to the Master of the Rolls.
On 03/10/2023, a judge at the Royal Courts of Justice said all these points are articulated extremely clearly and provided valuable insight. All civil courts are overrun with enormous backlogs because public entities build their business with civil law not prioritising fairness.
Civil law:
Civil procedure rule 1.1(2)(a) states, “ensuring that the parties are on an equal footing and can participate fully in proceedings, and that parties and witnesses can give their best evidence.” But this is overridden by point 1.1(1), “These Rules are a procedural code with the overriding objective of enabling the court to deal with cases justly and at proportionate cost.”
This helps law firms manipulate civil court’s wide discretionary powers to override fairness. It allows officers of the court to sign witness statements about what entities have said although nothing has been witnessed.
Claims of lies are generally not judged before trial. The burden of proving lies is placed on the public, although they are not privy to some of what their opponents will say until moments before entering the courtroom.
The previous UK Government published why civil law has wrongfully evolved not to prioritise fairness. This has resulted in banks stealing a staggering £1.2 trillion, plus billions more taken by corrupt officials as proven by the Good Law Project.
ECHR cannot interfere in property law:
One of these studies shows how civil law is incompatible with Article 6 § 1 of the ECHR – The right to a fair trial. Banks deprive the public of their property through non-payment of taxes or other contributions or penalties. But even the ECHR cannot intervene because Article 1 of Protocol No. 1 of the ECHR – Protection of Property, states, “….The preceding provisions shall not, however, in any way impair the right of a State to enforce such laws as it deems necessary to control the use of property in accordance with the general interest or to secure the payment of taxes or other contributions or penalties.”
- Clive Lewis an English Member of Parliament said, “Civil law is at the heart of UK politics and affects everyone. Prioritising fairness will dismantle corruption and reckless trade spiralling our economy out of control.”
- Former UK Police and Crime Commissioner Anthony Stansfeld said, “The scale of systematic fraud makes the postmaster scandal the tip of the iceberg. Evidence is again so overwhelming, but authorities cover it up.”
- A court whistleblower said, “Having sacrificed half your life in learning to become a lawyer, by the time you learn this, it’s usually far too late to blow the whistle.”
- Italy’s award-winning anti-mafia journalist Roberto Saviano said, “Britain is the most corrupt place on Earth.”